Elder Parker Trey Beardall

Elder Parker Trey Beardall - Maryland Baltimore Mission

Monday, October 23, 2017

Week 3 & 4

A lot has happen in the span of eleven days! I woke up on Tuesday morning and said my goodbyes to half of my amazing district, and then flew with the rest of my district to Baltimore. 

In the airport baggage check in they forgot to give me back my boarding pass so I got to go the TSA security twice, lucky me... Once we got to Baltimore, the first thing I started to notice was the humidity. Nothing will dry here. Second thing was all of the trees. Third thing was the lack of mountains. 

We stayed the first night at the mission home and had some good food and got to know each other. After that we met our new companions. My companion's name is Elder Dameus. He is from Haiti and is pretty funny. He does his daily morning yoga while I lift weights. It's hard to be his companion sometimes because of his accent. 

We are both new to the area so we have no idea what's going on. Our area is very very large. It's supposed to be a car mission but it's hard to drive with one car and having to share with the sister missionaries. We also only have 1,100 miles per month. Plus the elders before us used 850 of those miles before we got there... So we have bikes but Elder Dameus will not bike. That means we usually end up walking 10 or so miles a day. 

The ward is pretty awesome though! They are pretty supportive. The only down side is that we are new and the area book isn't that great so we haven't taught a single lesson yet. There's a lot of dry Mormons in our ward so we'll have to work on that. That's all for now! Sorry for the lack of pictures. Not much has happened and I don't carry my camera around often.

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